Abi kartu:
Both pigs together:
Willingness returned while I was reading how Anna Arkadyevna after messing up her life was jumping under the train. I read until the end of the paragraph, closed the book, took the tiger parts and finished it without any dramas, tortures or magic. But it doesn’t mean that the result isn’t beautiful ;)
Kietai įmigęs baltasis tigras
White tiger sleeping tightly
I wanted to publish this post a week ago. But then I thought I‘d finish it so that I could show you today a new toy. But I cannot. Because I‘m unable to finish it. Just don‘t think, please, that I‘m not doing anything – I am being nervous and suffering torments. I have a picture and I have yarn, and I have almost the whole toy finished – just legs and tale are missing, but I don‘t have willingness. Rita asked „Where does the imagination live?“, and now I am asking „Where the hell is my willingness hiding?“.
Įtariu, žinau, kas kaltas, kad jau kelinta savaitė nenoriu į rankas paimti vąšelio. Šitas gražus pūkuotų siūlų debesiukas-parazitas!
I believe I know whose fault it is that I can‘t take a hook in my arms. This beautiful fluffy yarn cloud-parasite!
Ne pirmą kartą tokius naudoju, prasibadau kiaurai pirštus nerdama ir vis vien nepasimokau. Neriant tie pūkučiai kimba, ardyt išvis prakeikimas, o svarbiausia, nesimato prieš tai buvusių akių ir neišeina tiksliai skaičiuoti. Negaliu per prievartą daryti žaislo, nes manau, kad tada jis „negražus“ bus, todėl dabar kaip menininkai kad laukia įkvėpimo, aš laukiu grįžtančio noro.
Turiu ir dar vieną žaislo preparatą. Mintyse buvo lapė, bet tie nuostabūs pūkuoti, skaičiuoti trukdantys siūlai viską sugadino – pritrūkau jų ir dabar bus šiaip padaras.
It is not the first time when I use such a yarn, when I hurt my fingers crocheting and still I don‘t learn the lesson. When you crochet, these puffs tangle up, unpicking is like a curse and what‘s the most important – you can‘t see previous stitches what makes precise counting almost impossible. I can‘t force myself to make a toy, cause I think, that it will end up being „not nice“. That‘s why as artists wait for the inspiration, now I am waiting my willingness to come back.
I have also a preparation of another toy. There was a fox in my mind, but that wonderful fluffy, preventing me to count stitches yarn messed up everything – I got short of it and now it is going to be simple creature instead of the fox.
Sėdžiu svajodama ir galvodama, ir laukdama grįžtančio noro
I‘m sitting here dreaming and thinking, and waiting for my returning willingness
Tik kad reali eilinės žiemos dienos tyla yra visiškai be garso. Būna, taip įpranti prie jos, kad net nesuvoki, kaip prakeiktai tylu aplink. Kol jos nesujaukia koks nors vasariškas garsas, tokiu laiku skambantis nesveikai.
Kai gerai prišildai kambarį, namo sienose žiemoti įsitaisiusiems vabzdžiams susisuka galva ir kai kurie, sumąstę, kad jau pavasaris, išropoja į viešumą. Jei kokia musė pakankamai prasimankština, kad jau gali paskrist, jos zyzimas skamba taip nederamai, o erzina labiau, nei kai vasarą aplink galvą sukasi mažiausiai keturios.
Taip, taip, aš čia vis dar į temą rašau :). Apie žiemą atsirandančius vabzdžius.
As there is such a dark darkness, that is called "Pitch Darkness", there is also such a silent cold winter day's silence called "Tingling" (don't know if I use the right corresponding word). So magical and fascinating.
Just the real ordinary winter's day is totally soundless. Sometimes you get so used to it, that you even do not perceive how damn silent it is all around. Untill some summery noise, sounding ill at this time of a year, disorders it.
When you heat up your room sufficiently, bugs that hibernate inside the walls go wooly-minded and some, thinking that it's spring already, crawl out. If a fly does enough of exercise so it can fly, it's buzzing sounds very inappropriately and annoys much more than at least four flies circling around your head in summer.
Aye aye, I’m still following what I’m writing. About bugs appearing in winter time.
Čia mano boružės ateiviškais veidukais ir žvaigždiškais siuvinėtais taškeliais, kurios kaip tikri normalūs vabzdžiai moka lipti siena vertikaliai arba žemyn galva lubomis (nes pilvuose įdėjau magnetus).
These are my ladybugs with alien looking faces and starry embroidered dots, that like all normal bugs are able to climb the wall vertically or upside down via ceiling (cause I put magnets in their bellies).
Jau vasario vidurys, todėl imu gaudyt kiekvieną saulės spindulį ar paukščio čirptelėjimą. "Amžinybė trunka labai ilgai, ypač pabaigoj." Taip ir su pavasario laukimu ;).
It’s already mid-February and I’m starting to hunt every little sunray or bird’s chirp. “Eternity lasts very long, especially in the end.” It’s the same with waiting for spring to come ;).